Probate Registry e-Service
Probate Registry e-Service > Appointment Booking

Appointment Booking

Online Appointment Guidance Notes

Before making an appointment via our e-Appointment system, please read the following guidance:

1.As the grant is a court order and is an important legal document, the application for grant may involve complicated legal procedures and submission of evidence and documents required under the law. Accordingly, the online appointment can only be offered where:

(i)the deceased died in Hong Kong;

(ii)the deceased was a permanent Hong Kong Resident;

(iii)(a)if the deceased did not leave a Will, the applicant is the surviving spouse / child / father or mother of the deceased, as the case may be; or

(b)if the deceased left a Will, the applicant is the sole executor and the Will was prepared by a local firm of solicitors and executed before its solicitor(s) or clerk(s);

(iv)the application seems simple and straightforward and the nature of the estate is not complicated;

(v)the applicant is mentally and physically capable of handling the procedural matters in relation to an application for Grant; and

(vi)all supporting documents must be issued by Hong Kong authorities.

2.In the event that an online appointment cannot be offered, the applicant may either attend the Probate Registry (Floor LG3, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong) or call our hotline (2840 1683) during office hours for enquiries on applications concerned and/or the appointment to be made.

3.An appointment must be booked in the name of the person who will personally make the application. Nobody else can attend the appointment in that person's place. If an appointment is to be made on another person's behalf, his/her name must be entered and he/she must attend the appointment. A booked appointment cannot be transferred to a different person.

4.If the applicant is unable to attend the scheduled appointment, he/she should keep us posted as early as possible through online cancellation or by phone. This will allow us to offer the vacated appointment to another applicant.

5.If the applicant choose to receive an appointment reminder for a successful appointment, he/she must provide his/her email address. A reminder will then be sent to the provided email address three working days before the appointment date. The applicant must provide his/her phone number as well for subsequent contact as necessary.

6.The applicant should bring along the original supporting documents at the appointment. If the information provided for obtaining an appointment is incorrect and/or without requisite documentary evidence in support, the application may not be proceeded with or accepted. The Probate Registry will only be able to provide assistance in relation to an application for Grant if the Registrar of the High Court considers it proper to do so.

7.Since the Registrar of the High Court is entrusted with the obligation to check carefully the entitlement of the applicant to the Grant, the applicant might be required:

(i)to attend the Probate Registry on more than one occasion; and

(ii)to submit additional information and file further documents or evidence in support of the application.